
Puss in boots

Some delicious heels just landed into the shop and we want to show them off to you. So let’s step right to it, shall we?

Louboutin, size 40.

Louboutin, size 40. Sold

Zanotti, size 39. Sold

Dolce & Gabbana, size 39.

Louboutin, size 40.Sold

We are kicking off our ‘Puss and Boots’ sale this week. 10% off all regular and sale priced footwear starting Sunday February 24. Sale ends Saturday March 2. Sorry, but our new arrivals are not included in this sale. Please contact us for more details.


On display

We want to take a moment a give our lovely and talented Lisa Eknes some recognition. She is the guru who puts together our window displays each and every week. Her knack with colour and merchandising we applaud . She is truly worth her weight in gold. Thanks Lisa!

On display

Happy Valentines Day everyone. That said, we are already feeling spring in our window this week. How Eastery is the centre beauty? Comprised of sequins, beads, paillettes, crystals and hand embroidered raffia, the workmanship on this 1960’s shift is beyond exquisite! Take a zoom on in to better appreciate it.

On display

We are totally in LOVE with our Valentine (‘s day window)!  How incredible is that middle dress? It’s a Nina Ricci circa 1950 and it has us swooning over it. Happy Valentine’s day everybody!
